Sunday, March 27, 2011

sql server identify non unique tables and create non clustered indexes with identity property

create unique keys with non-clustered index on all the tables.

one of the audit tool which we are using requires a unique column must be present on the table to audit. Developed the below script to create a identity column with non-clustered index on all the tables , if the table has an identity column without any unique index then the script-2 will do this.

1)modify the tables to have a identity key columns on all the tables with non-clustered indexes
2)script:2- if the table has a identity key already exist but without any unique index then it will create the unique index on the identity key columns.

select   'alter table ['+SCHEMA_NAME(O.SCHEMA_ID)+'].' +' add IDENTITY_FOR_MASK int identity(1,1) constraint NCL_X_IDENTITY_FOR_MASK unique nonclustered'
from sys.objects o join  sys.indexes i on o.object_id=i.object_id
where o.type = 'u' AND objectproperty(o.object_id,'TableHasIdentity') =0
group by,O.SCHEMA_ID
having max(cast(I.is_unique as int))

from sys.objects o join  sys.indexes i on o.object_id=i.object_id join sys.identity_columns  IC on o.object_id = IC.object_id
where o.type = 'u' AND objectproperty(o.object_id,'TableHasIdentity') =1
having max(cast(I.is_unique as int))

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