Monday, June 18, 2012

generate all possible joins in sql server based on relations

Below query generates the SQL Script with all the possible joins in the database based on the existing relationships. this can be used as a handy query to write the scripts .

CREATE procedure pr_schema_delete_ref_rows_7 (@action varchar(20)= 'select')
set nocount on

select t1.fkeyid,t1.rkeyid as pk,t1.fkeyid as fk,
schema_name(sof.schema_id) as fsc_name,object_name(t1.fkeyid) as fk_tbl, as fkey_col ,schema_name(sor.schema_id) as rsc_name,object_name(t1.rkeyid) as pk_tbl , as pkey_col
into #sysref
from sysforeignkeys t1

join sys.objects sof on sof.object_id = t1.fkeyid
join sys.objects sor on sor.object_id = t1.rkeyid
-- below join to get column names
join sys.columns fc on fc.column_id =t1.fkey  and fc.object_id = sof.object_id
join sys.columns pc on pc.column_id  = t1.rkey and pc.object_id = sor.object_id

-- below 3 lines is to avoid the problems with self reference
left outer join sysreferences t2
on object_name(t1.fkeyid)+object_name(t1.rkeyid) = object_name(t2.rkeyid)+object_name(t2.fkeyid)
where t2.fkeyid is null

if not exists (select * from #sysref)
select schema_name(schema_id) as schema_nm,object_name(object_id) from sys.objects where type  = 'u'

-- get the max no.of joins foreign keys in a chain
declare @n varchar(9);
with cte(fkeyid,level)
     (select fkeyid,0 from sysforeignkeys
    union all
    select ,level+1 from #sysref t1 join cte t2 on = t2.fkeyid )
-- statement that executes the cte
select @n = max(level)  from cte
print @n
declare @v1 varchar(max)
set @v1 = ''
declare @v2 varchar(max)
set @v2 = ''
declare @select varchar(max)
set @select = ''

declare @orderby varchar(2)
set  @orderby = @n+1

DECLARE @OpsStr varchar(4000)
set @OpsStr = ''

while not @n = 0

         set @OpsStr = @OpsStr + 'a'+ @n+'.fsc_name+''.''+quotename(object_name('+'a'+ @n+'.fk))  ' + ','
        -- set @OpsStr = 'tbl' + @n
  --if @v2 > 0 -- to skip join afte the first table column

  -- column
  --set @select =  @select +@v2 +' as v , ' + @n +' as n ,' +  ' ''join'' as joi , '
                set @select =  @select+    'isnull(a'+ @n+'.fsc_name+''.''+quotename(object_name('+'a'+ @n+'.fk)),'''')  as  tbl' +@n+ ','
                    --set @select =  @select + ''' on '' as on_con , '
                -- join condition   
                -- join = part
                -- below '=' for join clause and eliminate the join for after 1st table with null majic
                -- if the entire set is null (after first table join) then replace the wholse set with join
                --set @select =  @select
                                + 'isnull('' on ''+ quotename(a'+ @v2+'.rsc_name)+''.''+quotename(object_name('+'a'+ @v2+'.pk)) +''.''+ ' + 'quotename(a'+ @v2+'.pkey_col) '  +'+''=''+'       
                                 + 'quotename(a'+ @v2+'.fsc_name)+''.''+quotename(object_name('+'a'+ @v2+'.fk)) +''.''+ ' + 'quotename(a'+ @v2+'.fkey_col)  +''  join  '' ,case when isnumeric(a'+ @n+'.fk)     =1 then '' join '' else '''' end)  as  j_condition' +@v2 +','
                 set @v1 =  @v1 + ' right outer join #sysref a' +cast(@n as varchar(4)) + ' on a'+ @v2+'.pk =a'+cast(@n as varchar(4))+'.fk'

set @v2 = @n
set @n = @n -1

        --set @select =  @select +@v2 +' as v , ' + @n +' as n ,' +  ' ''join'' as joi , '
set @select=  @select +  'quotename(a1.rsc_name)+''.''+quotename(object_name( as roottable'
set @select =  @select + ','' on  '' as pk_on_condition , '
-- last pk condition
set @select =  @select + 'quotename(a'+ @v2+'.fsc_name)+''.''+quotename(object_name('+'a'+ @v2+'.fk)) +''.''+ ' + 'quotename(a'+ @v2+'.fkey_col)' +'+''=''+'
-- pk condition
+ ' quotename(a1.rsc_name)+''.''+quotename(object_name( +''.''+quotename(a1.pkey_col)  as  j_condition' +@v2 --+','

IF @action = 'DELETE'
exec ('select '' DELETE from '' as sel,COALESCE('+ @OpsStr +'NULL) + '' FROM'' ,' + @select    +'  from #sysref a ' +@v1 +' order by '+@OpsStr+'1' )
print @OpsStr

exec ('select '' select count(*) from '' as sel,' + @select    +'  from #sysref a ' +@v1 +' order by '+ @orderby )


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