Friday, December 28, 2012

sql server tables growth

step 1 : create a table using script below.
create table dbo.all_tbl_size (name varchar(256),rows int,reserved varchar(90),data varchar(90),index_size varchar(90),unused varchar(90),delta_date datetime default getdate())
select * from all_tbl_size 
step 2 : execute the below statement to capture the record count of all the tables
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'insert into dbo.all_tbl_size (NAME,ROWS,RESERVED,DATA,INDEX_SIZE,UNUSED) EXECUTE sp_spaceused [?]'
select * from all_tbl_size  where name <> 'all_tbl_size'
output :
schedule the script in step:2 as a job runs every day or as per your requirement
to calculate the percentage of table growth , use the below query

set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
with cte as
select ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by name order by delta_date asc) as iid ,  name , rows,delta_date
from all_tbl_size
--select A.iid , B.IID AS B_IID,,a.delta_date,b.delta_date AS B_delta_date,a.rows - b.rows as growth , a.rows , b.rows AS B_ROWS
select,a.delta_date ,a.rows ,a.rows - b.rows as growth
,convert(decimal(18,2),( (a.rows - b.rows)/(1.0*a.rows) * 100)) as growth_in_percentage
,STATS_DATE(s.object_id, s.stats_id) as stat_dt
from cte a join cte b on = and a.iid - b.iid = 1
left outer join sys.stats s on object_id( = s.object_id
where a.rows - b.rows  >0
and <> 'all_tbl_size'
note : the column stats_dt will be helpful to update the statistics.
output :
If you have multiple tables with same name , but on different schema then you may use the below steps to get the object_id instead table name
    2. create staging table using below script
create table dbo.all_tbl_size (obj_id int ,rows int,reserved varchar(90),data varchar(90),index_size varchar(90),unused varchar(90),delta_date datetime default getdate())

3.Get the table sizes from all the tables in the database
EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable 'insert into dbo.all_tbl_size (obj_id ,ROWS,RESERVED,DATA,INDEX_SIZE,UNUSED) EXECUTE sp_spaceused2 [?]'

1 comment:

  1. I could not refrain ffrom commenting. Well written!


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