Wednesday, June 11, 2014

views structure is not refreshing

If the underlying structure of the view changes , then the views which are referring these objects wont refresh always with the new structure.
Below script will loop through all the views and executes the sp_refreshview on each view.
Note :  used the implicit transaction , else if any statement fails then the rest of the execute statements in this loop wont execute though its using Begin Try and Catch.
create proc refresh_views
set nocount on
set xact_abort on  
declare @vwname varchar(256)
declare @err varchar(max) = ''
declare cur cursor for select TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views
open cur
fetch next from cur into @vwname
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                begin try
                -- It has to be in a transaction , else if any statement fails then the rest of the execute statements in this loop wont execute though its using Begin Try and Catch
                BEGIN TRAN
                EXECUTE sp_refreshview @vwname
                COMMIT TRAN
                end try
                begin catch
                ROLLBACK TRAN
                set @err = @err +','+@vwname+':'+ERROR_MESSAGE()
                end catch
                fetch next from cur into @vwname
close cur
deallocate cur
if @err <> ''
select 'Sync Has the errors while refreshing the follwing views   '+@err

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