Sunday, September 27, 2015

northwind database practice queries

Download the Northwind database from the below link

Create a procedures

1. To get list of all the orders processed with category name as an input parameter

2. Get the product name , count of orders processed

3. Get the list of the months which doesn’t have any orders  like  below ( This is a typical question , design the code before you execute carefully)


No_orders_Year and month





Hint : Below Example is for the products which are doesn’t have any orders for certain years

select distinct P_CROSS_Y.productid,P_CROSS_Y.productname,P_CROSS_Y.y,PY.ORDER_YEAR  from
(select top 1000 productid,productname,y from products cross join years order by 1,2) P_CROSS_Y
left outer join (select distinct productid ,datepart(year,O.orderdate)  as ORDER_YEAR from [order details] od join orders o on od.orderid = o.orderid ) PY
on P_CROSS_Y.productid = py.productid and P_CROSS_Y.y = py.ORDER_YEAR
where py.ORDER_YEAR  is null

Result :

4. Get the top 3 products which has more orders

5. Get the list of the months which doesn’t have any orders for product chai

6. Get the list of the products which doesn’t have any orders across all the months and year as

7. Get the list of employees who processed the order “chai”

8. Get the list of the employees and the count of orders they processed in the month of “march “across all the years

9. Get the list of the employees who processed the orders belongs to his own city

10. Get the list of the employees who processed the orders doesn’t belongs to his own city

11. Get the shipper company who processed the order categories “Seafood”

12. Get category name , count of orders processed by the USA employees

Get the supplier name , shipper name for product category “sea food”
Add one more column to the Employees Table as "Bonus"
       and update the bonus field with number of total number orders each employee processed. Update         statement must contains Join

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